Google Pixel 4a gets October 2020 update with improved auto-brightness, auto-rotation function and more- Technology News, DD FreedishNews
FP TrendingOct 07, 2020 17:15:50 IST
Google’s Pixel 4a has received its October 2020 security update and the tech giant is aiming at eliminating several issues pointed out by users, including the auto-brightness feature. The security patch for October has brought forth several bug fixes to its smartphone line and is the first update after the launch of Android 11. Pixel devices which are running Android 11 will receive these software updates. According to the company support page, the touch sensitivity on the Pixel 4a while using a screen protector has been improved. Also, the “auto-brightness response in certain light conditions” has been addressed.
These two functions remain applicable to only the recently launched Pixel 4a, while other updates are for Pixel 2, Pixel 3 and Pixel 3a as well.
Another improvement rolled out in the sensor department is that of the auto-rotation function in certain devices. The system user interface has received a number of improvements as well. Google assures that it has issued a fix for preventing inadvertent disablement of call notifications in all the listed Pixel models. A fix for missing auto-rotate icon in certain device orientations and a fix for undetected overview swipe gesture in launcher have also been rolled out. The system is getting a solution for some devices getting stuck during boot for several models.
These are the build number for the latest security bug fixes (for Pixel 2 and up devices): Pixel 2 (XL): RP1A.201005.004, Pixel 3 (XL): RP1A.201005.004, Pixel 3a (XL): RP1A.201005.004, Pixel 4 (XL): RP1A.201005.004, and Pixel 4a: RP1A.201005.006.
Google says that the OTA will roll out in phases and users are going to receive them depending upon their carriers and devices. For details regarding the security fixes, the blog advises users to visit an Android bulletin.
Google Pixel 4a was launched globally in August and is all set to be released in India on 17 October.
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