by ddfreedishnews | May 14, 2018 | DTH News, Jio DTH, jio set top box, jio tv, new channel, new channels, new GEC Channels
रिलायंस जियो का धमाका ऑफर अब 1 रूपए में मिलेंगे 200 चैनलजियो मोबाइल की दुनिया में सबसे सस्ती सिम देकर भारत में डिजीटल धमाका करने वाले भारत के सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति मुकेश अंबानी ने एक बार फिर आपके मनोरंजन के लिए अब तक का सबसे सस्ता डीटीएच प्लान देने की योजना बनाई...
by ddfreedishnews | Mar 30, 2018 | DTH News, e-auction
The information and broadcasting ministry, which decided to review the DD Free Dish auction, is currently working on a newpolicy for its platform. Earlier, Doordarshan used to have an auction once in two months to award vacant channel slots on DD Free Dish to private...
by ddfreedishnews | Feb 12, 2018 | DTH News, new channel, new channels, new channels on dd freedish, new GEC Channels
Here are the Transponder Frequency Details bellow.Transponder – 11470 MhzSymbol Rate – 29500Polarization – VerticalThe channel will be available in three languages Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.The channel will launch with 5 hours of programming band...
by ddfreedishnews | Feb 2, 2018 | dd Freedish, DTH News, free to air, new channel, new GEC Channels, Tempararry Free To Air
Discovery Communications India’s Hindi GEC Discovery Jeet will be available on direct to home (DTH) platform Tata Sky from 1 February ahead of its formal launch on 12 February.The GEC will be available to all Tata Sky subscribersat no additional cost from 1 to 11...
by ddfreedishnews | Dec 21, 2017 | Big Tv, dd direct plus, dd Freedish, DTH News, free to air, new channels
Reliance_Big_DTH_to_take_FTA_route_under_new_management?Mumbai : is another Free-To-Air FTA DTH operator pawing to take off in India? If the statements made by the pantel Technology the company the took over the ailing reliance big DTH management in media releases are...
by ddfreedishnews | Dec 2, 2017 | DTH News, ipl, ipl on dd, new channels on dd freedish, upcoming new channals on dd freedish
Hi Friends i got good news for you.In 2018 all the IPL Cricket Matches will be broadcast Live on Star Sports 1st Hindi and also on Star Sportes 1st English.And the good news is that Doordarshan will brodcast live telicast of all the ipl matches on DD National.All the...