by ddfreedishnews | Mar 7, 2020 | dd direct plus, dd Freedish, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish
DD Free Dish 45th e-Auction on Pro-Rate Basis for MPEG-4 Slots | DD Free Dish New news coming from DD Freedish for dd freedish users. Recently dd freedish organize 44th e-auction and something 54+ channels won slots on DD Free Dish. so now Prasar Bharati going...
by ddfreedishnews | Mar 6, 2020 | dd direct plus, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish, The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB)
16 new channels got licence from MIB सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्रालय (MIB) ने कुछ दिनों में 16 नए टेलीविज़न चैनल लाइसेंसों को मंजूरी दी है। 16 नए लाइसेंस 2 कंपनियों IN10 Media Pvt Ltd और Eenadu Television Pvt Ltd. को दिए गए हैं। IN10 मीडिया को एपिक प्लस और इशारा टीवी नाम से...
by ddfreedishnews | Mar 6, 2020 | dd direct plus, dd Freedish, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish, The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB)
16 new channels got licence from MIB सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्रालय (MIB) ने कुछ दिनों में 16 नए टेलीविज़न चैनल लाइसेंसों को मंजूरी दी है। 16 नए लाइसेंस 2 कंपनियों IN10 Media Pvt Ltd और Eenadu Television Pvt Ltd. को दिए गए हैं। IN10 मीडिया को एपिक प्लस और इशारा टीवी नाम से...
by ddfreedishnews | Mar 3, 2020 | dd direct plus, dd Freedish, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish
So, Friends, this is the official result of DD Free Dish 44th e-auction of MPEG-2 Slots Held On 24th of Feb. Dd free dish 44 e-Auction all new channels application will be Submitted on 24th Feb 2020. 50+ new application was submitted and e-Auction held on 24 February...
by ddfreedishnews | Feb 21, 2020 | dd direct plus, dd Freedish, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish
54+ channels going to add on DD Freedish Hello, friends so here is big good news for dd free dish users dd freedish going to add 54+ new channels on dd free dish yes it’s true. it’s very big news for every dd free dish dth users. actually dd freedish going...
by ddfreedishnews | Feb 15, 2020 | dd direct plus, DTH News, e-auction, letest info about dd freedish, new channels, new channels on dd freedish
Old channels can be added back on DD Freedish in 44th e auction how to add old channels on dd free dish There is good news coming for dd free dish users that in 44th e auction old channels on dd freedish can participate to get added on dd freedish. after a big drop in...