Prasar Bharati Is Going To Organize 41th E-Auction For DD Freedish

Prasar Bharati Is Going To Organize 41th E-Auction For DD Freedish So here is the good news for dd free dish users that Prasar Bharati is going to organize 41th e-auction for Mpeg 2 Slots on DD Freedish. E-Auction will be held on 8 Aug 2019 and only those channels can...

Prasar Bharati Is Going To Organize 41th E-Auction For DD Freedish

Prasar Bharati Is Going To Organize 41th E-Auction For DD Freedish So here is the good news for dd free dish users that Prasar Bharati is going to organize 41th e-auction for Mpeg 2 Slots on DD Freedish. E-Auction will be held on 8 Aug 2019 and only those channels can...

Trai New Rules (ट्राई) द्वारा नए टैरिफ आदेश and Effect On DD Freedish

TRAI, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Government of India, GOI, Telecom, Broadcasting, Consumer, trai new rulesटीवी 6 भारतीय दूरसंचार नियामक प्राधिकरण (ट्राई) द्वारा नए टैरिफ आदेश से कुछ हिंदी सामान्य मनोरंजन चैनलों को फायदा हुआ है, जबकि कुछ को विज्ञापन या...