Today I am going to give you some valuable information about DD Freedish E – Auction.
DD Freedish users waiting very excitingly for E – Auctions.
Because when Doordarshan Organize E – Auction DD Freedish user get some new channels.
So today I am going to explain about why E – Auction is important for Doordarshan and DD Freedish users plus some new channels.
We all are (including me) currently on DD Freedish platform which is tuned on satellite Insat 4b + we can receive singles from Nss-6 and ses8 sat.
Because both satellites are near of insat 4b.
Doordarshan is soon replacing his satellite insat 4b with Gsat 15.
This is good news for DD Freedish users.
Doordarshan not add any channel by its own choice or by DD Freedish Audience Choice.
There is very large amount of DD Freedish users in India or some other country�s where insat 4b can receivable easily.
Like – pakistan,afganistan,shrilanka,bangladesh , etc.
So because of it some new channels get interest in DD Freedish Platform.
Because it they participate in E – Auction and get slot in DD Freedish.
And because of that trp of that channel increase like magic.
Doordarshan organize E – Auction for DD Freedish.
And if any channel won slot in that E – Auction then Doordarshan give Slot to that channel on DD Freedish.
Because of whole process of every E – Auction Doordarshan Earn some money.
Doordarshan use this money to develop his machinery and his system to provide us quality infotainment ( informative programs ) plus some Entertainment.
Because of this E auction we get better service and some good channels on DD Freedish.
So it’s all about how E – auction Help Doordarshan.
If any grammatical or spelling mistake happens then in my article then I applied for it.
Because English is my 2nd Language.
If you have any dough about E – auction please leave your valuable comments.
Thank you!!!
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